松尾 正俊

松尾 正俊

Masatoshi Matsuo


President & CEO

Matsuo founded Genkai Capital Management in 2006 as an independent real estate asset management company in Fukuoka, Japan. He expanded the business from Fukuoka area regional investment strategy to general value add strategy in all Japan. Genkai has two offices in Fukuoka and Tokyo. Tokyo team also manage non Japanese investors in property in Japan and conducts outbound investment strategy in to India and the US. Matsuo served as president and chairman of the board of Fukuoka Realty Co., Ltd. from 2004 to June 2006, and successfully originated and completed the IPO of Fukuoka REIT Corporation (FRC: 8968), a regional J- REIT. Prior to that he served as senior vice president in charge of marketing for proprietary investment in the Global Real Estate Group of Lehman Brothers in Japan from 1999 to 2004. From 1993 to 1999, Matsuo held the post of vice president within Mitsui Fudosan USA and was responsible for managing about 100 billion yen in assets generated by properties in California and Hawaii. He was a project manager in the Project Development Division of Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. between 1987 and 1993.


ペンシルバニア大学 ウォートンスクールMBA
東京大学 法学部卒


MBA Wharton School, M.A. Lauder Institute; University of Pennsylvania
B.A. Faculty of Law; University of Tokyo


  • 三井不動産株式会社[1987年]
  • 三井不動産USA[1993年]
  • リーマンブラザーズ[1999年]
  • 株式会社福岡リアルティ[2004年]
  • 株式会社玄海キャピタルマネジメント 創業 [2006年]
    独立系不動産アセットマネジメント会社設立 Value-up戦略、地域投資戦略、In-Out バウンド不動産投資戦略

Work history

  • [2006] Genkai Capital Management Co., Ltd.
  • [2004] Fukuoka Realty Co., Ltd.
  • [1999] Lehman Brothers Japan Inc.
  • [1993] Mitsui Fudosan America, Inc.
  • [1987] Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.


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